Are you interested in a paid role developing your administration skills and helping your community? Shudy Camps Parish Council needs to recruit a new Parish Clerk. This is a part time role, 20 hours per calendar month. Salary to be negotiated in line with the payscales published by The National Joint Council for Local Government Services.
Responsibilities include:
- Providing the Parish Council with guidance prior to making any decisions relating to Shudy Camps and ensuring that the business of the Parish Council is conducted lawfully.
- Meetings: preparing the agenda, collating documents for discussion, attending and recording the meetings and preparing the minutes for approval.
- Administering the online bank account, setting up payments, maintaining a spreadsheet for income and expenditure. Monitoring and balancing the Council’s accounts and preparing records for audit purposes and VAT.
- Preparing the Annual Audit within the legal framework and liaising with the internal and external auditors as necessary.
- Maintaining the Parish Council records, e.g. financial, correspondence etc.
- Liaising with public bodies as necessary, e.g. South Cambs District Council, Cambridgeshire County Council.
- Being the contact point for residents of Shudy Camps for any areas of concern and bringing them to the Parish Council’s attention if necessary.
- Receiving and dealing with correspondence and documents on behalf of the Council, bringing them to the attention of the Council as necessary.
For more details or if you are interested in applying, contact
Elizabeth Gladman: 01799 584279
John Haine: 01799 584773