West Wickham and Streetly End

Coronavirus update 2020-03-16

The parish council, along with other organisations such as the PCC/church, are in the process of establishing an action plan and support structure that will offer assistance to Parishioners that need or would like it. We are currently enlisting healthy able-bodied volunteers willing to help out collect shopping or medicines for the elderly and less mobile, particularly if over 70’s are required to self-isolate as is currently under consideration by the government.

If you are willing to volunteer, please email volunteer@westwickham.org with your name, mobile phone number and email address.

In addition, as events are changing so rapidly, this website will provide updates as well provide updates and alerts via email through the residents@westwickham mailing list. To receive such updates and alerts, subscribe to the residents mailing list by following this link and completing the form.

— Alex Schuilenburg
West Wickham Parish Council

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