The Parish Council AGM will take place at the Village Hall on Wednesday 29th May at 4.30pm. It will be followed by the Annual Parish Meeting at 6.00pm. Agendas are available on the 2024 Parish Council Meetings page and on the village noticeboards.
All are welcome to attend.
Disgusted that once again the agenda for the Annual Parish Meeting includes: Reports of Societies, Groups and Associations AVAILABLE TO VIEW.
ONLY AVAILABLE TO VIEW! When is the Parish Council going to take a broad (not just the Big Garden Party) interest in and become pro- active in re-establishing/promoting the COMMUNITY? This village needs more people living here to take an interest in THEIR COMMUNITY – otherwise why have they chosen to live here? The Parish Council needs to take a lead here! Promoting the village clubs and the hard working volunteers that organise them would be a good step forward! Not just a token … available to view! So don’t just ask for a report, probably not read it and certainly not take any interest in it!
Come and join:
The Local History Club. 7.30pm, 2nd Monday of the month October – April.
West Wickham & District Gardening Club.7.30pm, 3rd Monday of the month September – April with events through the year.
Come and play carpet bowls. EVERY WEDNESDAY, starting at 7pm.
All in our excellent Village Hall.
Meet up with people you might not know but, have chosen to live with in OUR COMMUNITY!