The Scurry Bus route map and temporary membership form is now available for download here: ScurryBus Don’t forget to email or text 07795 848716 to pre-book your travel.
Hub Night
Hub Night this Saturday 16th November. 7-11pm West Wickham Village Hall. Well stocked charity bar, this month donating to The Royal British Legion’s poppy appeal. Games tables, cards and board gamesCome along and bring your own snacks, great way to catchup with friends, neighbours and support your local community.
Hub Night – Fish and Chips

19th October Hub Night. Back by popular demand! Fish and Chips Night. Fresh from Chippy’sPlease order food by 15th October . £8.50 per meal. Food can be paid for on the night. Fish, Scampi, Chicken, Veg Burger, Sausage and Chips Order via Nicci 07527879135 or
Hub Night – 21st September
Come along to this months Hub Night . 21st September 7-11pm . Well stocked bar, good range of soft drinks. Pool Table, Foosball, card games. All welcome
Gardening Club Gardening Fair

West Wickham & District Gardening Club is holding a Summer Gardening Fair on Saturday 31 August
10.00 -12.00 in West Wickham Village Hall.
Join us for a late summer celebration of gardens, gardening and nature. Bring and Buy and much more
Hub Night – This Saturday

Hub Night this Saturday 17th August 7-11pm West Wickham Village Hall. Well stocked bar, Pool Table, Table tennis, table football. A great way to catch up with friends, bring your own nibbles. All welcome. Please send your suggestions for this months charity to
Streetly Hall AD plant – planning committee consideration at 10am on 17 July 2024
Dear Sir/Madam, Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Proposal:Farm-based anaerobic digestion renewable energy facility, construction of vehicular access/road to A1307, associated infrastructure and landscaping.Application No: CCC/23/110/FULLocation: Land At Streetly Hall Farm, Webbs Road, West Wickham, CB21 4RP. I am writing to you to let you know that the above planning application will be considered by the County Council’s Planning Committee…
The Big Garden Party – Saturday 1 June
Following the success of last year’s Coronation Big Lunch, the West Wickham Parish Council will be hosting The Big Garden Party on Saturday 1 June, from 12pm to 4pm at the Village Hall. You are invited to bring a picnic to share but there will also be a food truck selling delicious food and drinks made to order. The Hub…
Hub Night – March
First Hub Night of the year – 16th March. 7-11pm Village Hall. We will have a great range of soft drinks and a good selection of real Ales from Nethergate Brewery. We are also joined this month by The Little Pizza Oven who will be making fresh pizzas to order (order and pay on the night) Please tell your friends…
Coffee Morning – 14th December
Our next Coffee Morning on Thursday, 14th December will be a festive affair with mince pies, cake and no doubt other treats to get you in the mood for Christmas. Do come along from 10.30 and join your friends and neighbours in the village hall. All are welcome. Thanks to the donations you made for refreshments last month, we were…