16 exhibitors entered a total of 58 photos into the 3 Photography Classes in this year’s Annual Show. All of the photos, with the names of the exhibitors, can be seen here: WWDGC-Annual-Show-2023-Photography-entries Thank you all for entering and, in particular, well done to JOHN HOWARD who came away with the Ralph Westwood-Bate Cup and to Ronnie Temple, our judge.
Hub Night, 23rd September
Excited to remind everyone that this months Hub Night is on 23rd September at the Village Hall. Well stocked bar with Ale, wine , beer and lots of soft drinks. Please feel free to bring some nibbles to share. Karen bought some of her Kbroffee breads last month, delicious ! 7-11PM All welcome
West Wickham & District Gardening Club ANNUAL SHOW this Saturday
The Gardening Club’s Annual Show takes place this Saturday, 2nd September in the Village Hall. The Show is for everyone in the village, not just members of the Gardening Club, so I hope you will come along to the Hall either in the morning between 9.30 – 11.30 am to submit your entries, in the afternoon from 2.30 pm to…
Hub Night 26th August
Hub Night this Saturday, 26th August, in the Village Hall. All welcome. 7-11pm. We have a well stocked bar but also please feel free to bring your own and make a charity donation.If the weathers good we will open the doors onto the playing fields, we also have Pool Table, playing cards and games
Coffee Morning – Thursday 10th August
Coffee mornings are held in the Village Hall on the 2nd Thursday of every month from 10.30 and this month’s will be this Thursday, 10th August. The usual selection of teas, coffee and cold drinks will be available together with a selection of home-made cakes and other treats donated by our regular bakers. Hope to see you there – lifts…
West Wickham & District Gardening Club Annual Show – 2nd September 2023 – West Wickham Village Hall
The full Schedule for this year’s Annual Show is now ready, so please click on the link, Show Schedule-2023 have a look at the Classes and think about entering. The Rules and Entry Form are within the Schedule. There are Classes for fruit, vegetables, cut flowers, domestic (preserves and baking) photography and one children’s class and we would love to…
Hub Night 22nd July 7-11pm
Hub Night this Saturday 22nd July. kicking the summer holidays off to a great start . Well stocked bar with soft drinks and a keg of ale, Pimm’s , cider, wine or feel free to bring your own. Pool table will be out and we are hoping for a lovely Summers evening. Any suggestions for this months charity please ?…
Coffee Morning – Thursday 13th July
Coffee mornings are held in the Village Hall on the 2nd Thursday of every month from 10.30 and this month’s will be this Thursday, 13th July. The usual selection of teas, coffee and cold drinks will be available together with a selection of home-made cakes and other treats donated by our regular bakers. Hope to see you there – lifts…
Hub Nights
Hub Night 24th June 7-11pm West Wickham Village Hall Thank you to everyone who came to support in May, thanks to you we were able to donate to Devils Dyke Morris men who are supporting Rooprai Spinal Trust and Headway Cambridge. Lots of soft drinks and a well stocked bar ready for June, please let Nicci or Di L know…
Coffee Morning – Thursday 8th June
This month’s coffee morning is on Thursday, 8th June in the village hall, from 10.30. A selection of teas, coffee and cold drinks will be on offer together with a tasty selection of cakes and other goodies lovingly baked by our generous regular bakers. Donations towards the refreshments are welcome and any surplus will go to charity. If you have…