Two photos taken by local residents and entered into this year’s Annual Show have been used to create Christmas Cards which are being sold to support West Wickham & District Gardening Club. Here is what they look like: They are A6 in size, with a glossy finish, and are being sold in packs of 10 (5 of each design) for…
Hub Night 22nd October 7-11pm
Autumn Hub Night, 22nd October. 7-11pm West Wickham Village Hall. Great start to the half term break ! Well stocked bar, table tennis, games and great company. All welcome , come and join us. Save the date for next months Hall and Hub Quiz Night 26th November, promises to be a great night. This months charity is Children in Need.…
Coffee Morning in the Village Hall – Thursday 13th October
Our next Coffee Morning in the Village Hall will be on Thursday, 13th October, starting at 10.30. A variety of teas, coffee, cold drinks and of course home-made cakes etc. will be available. All surplus from the donations received for the refreshments will go to charity and we welcome your suggestions of which charities to support. Everyone is welcome. We…
Hub Night – 24th September
Thank you to everyone for your support of the village Hub Nights We thought you may like to know that so far this year you have nominated and we have donated to some amazing local and national charities including: EACH , Friends of the Roman Road, Teenage Cancer Trust, Arthur Rank Hospice at Home and Alzheimer’s Research UK Next Hub…
Hub Night 27th August
Please join us for our next Hub Night, West Wickham Village Hall 7-11pm 27th August. Well stocked charity bar, great range of soft drinks, wines, beers and Pimms. Feel free to bring your own and make a donation. Weather forecast looks good so we can open all the doors and enjoy a beautiful summers evening.
Coffee Morning in the Village Hall – 11th August
Our next Coffee Morning in the Village Hall will be on Thursday, 11th August, starting at 10.30. The Neighbourhood Plan referendum will also be taking place in the Hall that day so the partition will be up to separate the two events but it shouldn’t affect our activities. It’s looking to be another hot day so we will do our…
Hub Night 23rd July
The next Village Hub Night is 23rd July, 7-11pm. All welcome, good range of soft drinks, beers, wine, real ale and Pimms . You are also welcome to bring your own drinks and make a donation to our chosen charity. Any budding artists who would like to help decorate our new large A frame board please get in touch, all…
West Wickham & District Annual Show – Saturday 13th August 2022
The Show Schedule can be viewed here WWDGC Show Schedule 2022 Class 2 in the Schedule – one of the Children’s Classes – is “Design a poster to be used to advertise next year’s show”. Here is the template that you need to use, either to decorate it or to take the wording from it to create your own: Children’s…
Platinum Jubilee Hub Night
Thank you so much to everyone who came to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee with us Saturday evening , thank you for your support and to all the volunteers. We managed to empty both the kegs in record time! Di was fantastic as our resident Pimms Mixologist. We have made a donation to Arthur Rank Hospice At Home of £70.00 Hope…
Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations
Saturday 4 June at the Village Hall
All Welcome
3:00pm to 5:00pm
Please bring a plate of sandwiches/cakes/sausage rolls/nibbles to share. This event will be in the car park if the weather is fine, but indoors if not.
7:00pm to 11:00pm
We havce a bar selling beer/winw/Pimms, and a van doing a hog roast for us
Do come along and celebrate with friends and neighbours, we look forward to seeing you all