West Wickham and Streetly End


Granta Medical Practice 2020-03-16

Coronavirus national emergency We are cancelling all routine face to face appointments Unfortunately, due to the unprecedented coronavirus national emergency and following the latest government advice we are cancelling all routine face-to-face appointments. This is for the safety of both our patents and our staff. Instead we are offering an enhanced telephone service from clinicians. If you would like to…

Coronavirus update 2020-03-16

The parish council, along with other organisations such as the PCC/church, are in the process of establishing an action plan and support structure that will offer assistance to Parishioners that need or would like it. We are currently enlisting healthy able-bodied volunteers willing to help out collect shopping or medicines for the elderly and less mobile, particularly if over 70’s…

Fish and Chips Hub Night

£6 per head, Fish, Scampi, Chicken, Veg Burger and Chips. Please pre order your food by 18th November from Nicci Tel: 01223 290886 or message  nicci@innerlather.co.uk Food will be served from 8pm ish at the Hub Night on 23rd November. We are ordering from Chippy’s in Haverhill, they can be contacted on Tel: 01440 702205 if you have any allergy/food…

UK Power Network Supply Issues – March 2018

8 March Update: Good news! Volatages over 253V are no longer being recorded as UK Power network have installed/activated an overvoltage protection circuit, as well monitoring equipment at the transformer for the lower end of the village. You may view the current live voltage here. 16 February Other than the usual power-line flickering and brief power outages during heavy weather,…

West Wickham HUB Night

Come and join us for our 2nd village HUB NIGHT ! Saturday 22nd April 7pm-11pm West Wickham Village Hall West Wickhams community event offering a well stocked charity bar. Woodfordes Wherry on tap. Special surprise Guest Ale! Locally made bar snacks. You are also welcome to bring your own drinks and make a donation. A great opportunity to catch up…

Cabinet 5 (Burton End) open for Superfast Broadband

The West Wratting 5 cabinet is now open for superfast broadband orders (FTTC). Residents connected to this cabinet should now be able to upgrade with their chosen Internet Service Provider (ISP). To check if you are really connected, please go to https://www.homeandwork.openreach.co.uk/when-can-i-get-fibre.aspx and enter your telephone number – no space. If the page does not show your number as “Superfast Accepting…

Superfast Broadband Update, 18th March

Cabinet 5 BT-OpenReach still have not commissioned nor opened cabinet 5 at Burton End for Superfast broadband orders and have been unresponsive to repeated requests for updated information by both Connecting Cambridgeshire and our MP’s office. After repeated delays, it was due to be opened “early March” for Superfast orders and is still due to be open imminently. FTTP / Cabinet 1…

Residents who have ordered FTTP Superfast Upgrades are having their ISPs cancel installations or activations.

These all appear to be from the cabinet designated West Wratting 1 and frankly has become another nightmare. ISPs and contract engineers on site are reporting missing fibre segments and outstanding engineering work and residents are reporting missed activation dates or cancelled installations – same as we had with the West Wratting 7 cabinet. Some numbers listed as having FTTP…