West Wickham and Streetly End

Parish Council

Vacancy – Shudy Camps Parish Clerk

Are you interested in a paid role developing your administration skills and helping your community? Shudy Camps Parish Council needs to recruit a new Parish Clerk. This is a part time role, 20 hours per calendar month. Salary to be negotiated in line with the payscales published by The National Joint Council for Local Government Services. Responsibilities include: Providing the…

A1307 Update, 2017-11-28

The Parish Council meeting on 2017-11-27 included an item on the A1307 where the 3 proposals by the Greater Cambridge Partnership, as well as the North and South Dual Carriageway Proposals alongside the A1307 by the Suffolk A1307 Strategy Board were discussed. Residents can find additional information and copies of the materials presented, as well as additional material found by…

Parish Council Activities concerning A1307 proposals.

If you would like to receive updates or additional information from the West Wickham Dual-Carriageway Action Group, please fill out this form or email your request to newroad@westwickham.org. The Parish Council has maintained a close watch on issues connected to the proposals put forward by various bodies which are likely to affect the A1307. We have a nominated member of…

Parish Council Meetings 2017

Date Meeting and Venue Time Documents 2017-11-27 Meeting Village Hall 7:30pm Agenda Minutes Reports 2017-09-25 Meeting Village Hall 7:30pm Agenda Minutes Reports 2017-07-24 Meeting Village Hall 7:30pm Agenda Minutes Reports 2017-05-22 Annual General Meeting Village Hall 7:00pm AGM Agenda AGM Minutes Annual Parish Meeting Village Hall 8:15pm Agenda Minutes Reports Accounts 2017-03-27 Meeting Village Hall 7:30pm Agenda Minutes 2017-01-23 Meeting…

Connecting Cambridgeshire / BT-Openreach meeting, 7pm, 16th May 2016

The director of Connecting Cambridgeshire and the BT-OpenReach program manager responsible for the new cabinet installation at Burton End will be explaining to residents why Superfast Broadband will really happen this time (i.e. by December 2016) at a meeting in the village hall on Monday 16th May 2016 at 7pm. The meeting should take no longer than 30 minutes so…

Parish Council Meeting: 2016-01-25

The next parish council meeting is due to occur on 2016-01-25 at 7:30pm in the Village Hall. Everyone is welcome. The current agenda can be found here. Additional Items: Traffic calming scheme at Burton End. Closed for comment Due to the high level of spam, StopSpam has automatically closed this page for comment.