West Wickham and Streetly End

West Wickham Village Hall – anti social behaviour

Dear Residents

We have information of anti-social behaviour issues and criminal damage being caused to property and  sports equipment  at West Wickham Village Hall, Recreation/Sports play area. This is believed to be by a group of children/teenagers.

We are trying to encourage local residents and other people frequenting the area to report any problems that they see, as we believe not everything is being reported to the Police.

There are a  few ways in which you can report things to the Police.

Call 101  the non-emergency telephone number for the Police – non emergencies
Call 999 –  the urgent telephone number for the Police – if a crime is happening there and then

You can also report things to  us on-line by logging  on to our website www.cambs.police  when you have logged on you have the option to “report a crime” or  “report a concern”.

If you click “report a crime” you will be given a few options as to what type of crime you wish to report i.e.  criminal damage, theft, hate crime, etc.
If you click “report a concern”  you will be able to report anti social behaviour, drug usage/distribution, and other concerns.

We would like to try and tackle these issues and the more reports we get, the more we will be able to deal with this pro-actively.

Many thanks.

PCSO 7239 Leanne Fisher
Balsham and Linton areas
Cambridgeshire Constabulary
Sawston Police Station, 4 Cambridge Road, Sawston, CB22 3DG

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