West Wickham and Streetly End

GRANTA Medical Practices

Coronavirus (Covid-19) update

The number of people affected by the coronavirus causing Covid-19 is increasing. At Granta Medical Practices we continue to work hard to keep our patients as safe as possible, along with our staff and our community.

Our dedicated Covid-19 emergency team continues to meet twice daily to discuss how we can continue to provide the best possible care for our patients.


It is clear that the safest thing for most patients is to stay at home. Coming to any healthcare facility exposes people to risk. Unless there is an overwhelming need for faceto-face interaction then we will manage medical care remotely.

From Monday 30th March 2020 patient access to any Granta site will be by invitation only following a prior telephone assessment.

Essential care, such as baby immunisations and mother and baby checks will still go ahead, but these will be at selected sites only. We will be carrying out temperature checks on both staff and patients to try and minimise risk.

Our enhanced telephone service is running well, as is the non-urgent dedicated email address, capccg.covid19.gmp@nhs.net. These services are currently available 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday. We continue to work hard to make sure that those who are housebound will continue to receive their medications.

Repeat prescriptions

The dispensing of repeat medications continues as usual, via our new dedicated pharmacy hatches/doors.

Up to date information

Please continue to refer regularly to the following websites which provide up to date
information about the national situation and plans, and health advice:

We may also use SMS messaging to mobile phones to communicate any urgent messages we may have for you, so please let us know if you have changed your mobile number or have one that you haven’t yet told us about.

Why staying at home is very important

For the vast majority of the population the Covid-19 virus causes a mild illness which can be safely managed at home with rest, paracetamol and fluids just like a normal flu-like illness. However, for a minority, including those with significant other medical problems and for the elderly, it can be more serious.

Currently the most effective action we can take is to stay at home. Reducing the day-today contact with other people will reduce the spread of the infection. This is why the government has introduced three new measures:-

  1. Requiring people to say at home, except for limited purposes
  2. Closing certain business and venues
  3. Stopping all gatherings of more than two people in public

For further information go to:


Community spirit

As a community we can help each other – both by following the advice given and by helping look after those who may need help within our communities. If you are able to volunteer to help out in your immediate area, please email your details to granta.socialnavigator@nhs.net

Practical advice:

First and foremost is the need to wash your hands on a regular basis – warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds. This alone will help slow down the spread of the virus and help protect you, your family and our community. Also:

  • Do not touch your face
  • Use tissues (catch it, bin it, kill it)
  • Cover your mouth (with your arm) when coughing and sneezing
  • Knowing how to access services if unwell
  • Wipe down frequently used items such as mobile phones, keyboards and door handles

Also it is important to remember social distancing, by:

  • Reduce physical contact (avoid handshaking)
  • Avoiding crowded spaces
  • Avoid non-essential use of public transport

Thank you to all of our patients for being so supportive and understanding. Our promise to you is that we will continue to be here throughout and deliver the best possible care to our patients at these difficult times.

Dr James Morrow, Managing Partner
30th March 2020

[Original Letter]

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