Daisy Chains has re-opened and will be available between 09:30 to 13:00 on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of each week.
During these opening times there will be some activities taking place outside the Village Hall.
The Parish Council obtained advice that the playground could be used if a section was fenced off for the exclusive use of Daisy Chains Pre-School. The continual presence of Pre-School staff will ensure that the play equipment installed on the playground cannot be used.
Following use by Daisy Chains the playground will be locked again and regretfully it will remain out of use for everyone else.
It would be appreciated if people visiting the playing field would observe the notices, which will be displayed temporarily, when these outdoor activities are under way.
This opening of the hall is restricted to the sole use of the Daisy Chains Pre-school.
Opening the hall for the use of other organisations and clubs and for sports use is still not allowed until government guidelines change.
Patrick Charlton. West Wickham Parish Council
Trevor Hall. West Wickham Village Hall Management Committee