West Wickham and Streetly End

Ceasing of Agricole Oil’s brokering Service

Over the past few years, each household ordering more than 1000 litres in a year from Agricole, the oil brokering service,  would earn the village £5 to  be spent on community projects; this year the £40 we received went towards expenses incurred in the setting up of the monthly coffee mornings at the Village Hall.

Anyone who has been their email list should have received this message from them recently:

Over recent years there has been a significant consolidation of oil suppliers in the UK and in your area. Also, these bigger entities are increasingly unwilling to trade via ‘third parties’.  

Poor customer feedback regarding some suppliers further limits our choice.

Realistically, and especially during the current Ukraine/Russia War, there is no longer enough competition for us to leverage to get you a good price from a range of reliable suppliers.

Consequently, I regret to inform you that with immediate effect, after trading in your area since 1996, we are withdrawing our service and retiring from the domestic heating oil market.

We will of course handle any queries regarding outstanding orders.

I thank you for your past business and wish you all the best in the future.

Keep warm.

Jeremy Cole


Agricole Oil Ltd


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