West Wickham and Streetly End

Solar Power for the Village Hall

The Parish Council have adopted the proposal by the Village Hall Management Committee to install a Solar PV System on the South East facing roof of the Village Hall. This system consists of 22 Solar Panels as well as Battery Storage,  an essential element as the Village Hall uses most of its electricity out of sunlight hours. This system will provide the Village Hall with Green Electricity and an estimated savings of between £2,000 to £2,300 per annum of electricity costs at today’s prices. In addition, the batteries can be charged overnight on cheaper rate tariffs during the winter months when daylight hours are shorter, providing an even greater savings.

The capital cost of this work is about £25,000, of which £9,500 has already been received into an Appeal Fund from the National Lottery Community Fund, and an additional £4,000 from a South Cambridgeshire Zero Carbon Communities grant which the Village Hall Management Committee received last year.  We have also raised just under £500 from public contributions, including profits from the Coronation Big Lunch, but need more funding from you, the community.

Please consider donating to the cost of this system and help us to contribute towards the reduction of climate change while also supporting a local community facility. Donations are accepted by cheques made payable to “West Wickham Parish Council” and posted to The Parish Clerk, West Lodge, 88 High Street, Balsham, CB21 4EP, as well as online. For online details of the Appeal Fund, please email me, the Parish Council Chair at <alex@schuilenburg.org>, or Trevor Hall, the Village Hall Committee at
<trevor.hall@btinternet.com>. Please include “PV Appeal Fund” on the rear of the cheque or as the reference. Should there there is any excess, this will be donated to the running of the Village Hall.

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