West Wickham and Streetly End

West Wickham Parish Council objects to anaerobic digester planning application at Streetly Hall Farm

Following careful consideration and after a unanimous decision at our meeting on the 27th November the Parish Council will submit an objection to an application to construct and operate an anaerobic digestion facility on land near Streetly Hall Farm, on Webb’s Road.

We would strongly recommend that Parishioners with an opinion on this application make their views known by registering and completing the form at this link.

The deadline for comments on the application has been extended to 10 December 2023 (note: the planning website still shows the original Neighbour Consultation Expiry Date of 20 November).

Artists impression of Streetly Hall anaerobic digestion renewable energy facilityArtist’s impression of the completed facility (credit: Streetly Hall Farm)

Please note that this application (reference CCC/23/110/FUL)  is being determined by Cambridgeshire County Council (under its waste and minerals authority) rather than by South Cambridgeshire District Council.

You can read the Parish Council’s objection here or, in the event that the Cambridgeshire County Council’s Website is unavailable, here.

2 thoughts on “West Wickham Parish Council objects to anaerobic digester planning application at Streetly Hall Farm

  1. Barbara Smith

    I strongly object to the proposed development it seems grossly uneconomical to place a n animal waste digester in an arable area surely it would be more cost effectiveandgreener to have the facility nearer the farms that will be using it less congestion andno using unnecessary fossil fuel and causing even more damage to the environment. For it to be placed local to where it is needed and not in arable fields far away.

  2. Hugh Paton

    I understand that there will have to be many extra HGV journeys to and from this site that puts an obvious strain on our local roads coupled with the fact that there will no doubt be unpleasant odours for many years to come, which is unacceptable in a quiet residential area. regards, Linton resident.

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