Our next Coffee Morning in the Village Hall will be on Thursday, 9th June, starting at 10.30. A variety of tea, coffee, cold drinks and of course the tempting home-made cakes, etc. will be available. All surplus from the donations received for the refreshments will go to charity and we welcome your suggestions of which charities to support. We have…
Hub Night – Platinum Jubilee Celebrations
The Hub Night Team will be running a bar at our Village Celebrations on 4th June at the Village Hall. Pimms at the ready as well as a couple of Kegs of real ale, wine and a great range of soft drinks. 3-5pm Bring and Share Tea Party 7-11pm Hub Night Bar, Music and Hog Roast Look forward to seeing…
Hub Night Saturday 23rd April
Just a reminder that it is Hub Night this Saturday 23rd April 7-11pm. Drinks are chilling, Beer is on order and Teresa is all set to make the sausage rolls! Please let us know if you have a recommendation of a local charity for to support this month. Will be great to see everyone, don’t forget you are welcome to…
Coffee Morning – Thursday 21st April – Village Hall
The 5th of our monthly coffee mornings in the village hall will be on Thursday 21st April from 10.30. Not only will there be a variety of teas and coffee on offer but a tempting choice of home-made cakes and biscuits too. Donations towards the refreshments welcome, with all surplus going to charity. Do come along and join your neighbours,…
West Wickham & District Gardening Club
Monday 21 March: Growing for showing. Talk by show judge Nigel Start. 7.30pm, Village Hall
Hub Night 26th March
26th March 7-11pm Hub Night West Wickham Village Hall Little bit excited to see everyone !! Please remind your friends and neighbours so we can kick this years Hub Nights off to a great start. All welcome, well stocked charity bar, you are also welcome to bring your own food and drinks and make a donation. Great relaxed way to…
Coffee Morning – 17th March
We will be holding the fourth of our monthly Coffee Mornings on Thursday, 17th March in West Wickham Village Hall from 10.30. As the following day is Red Nose Day all donations this month will go to Comic Relief. Do come along for a tea, coffee or cold drink, meet your friends and neighbours for a good chat and delight…
West Wickham & District Local History Club
NEXT MEETING Monday 14 February These are a few of my favourite things A very personal selection from the collections of the Fitzwilliam Museum. Talk by Andrew Morris 7.30pm, West Wickham Village Hall NEW MEMBERS AND VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME
West Wickham & District Gardening Club – Annual Show – 13th August 2022
Please make a note in your diary that this year’s Annual Show will be held in the Village Hall on Saturday, 13th August. The Schedule can be found here. Show Schedule 2022 There are 2 Children’s Classes, 15 Vegetable & Fruit Classes, 10 Flower & Pot Plant Classes including, for the first time, a best scented flower class where everyone…
West Wickham & District Gardening Club
Monday 17 January, 7.30pm: Ferns and companions. Talk by George Lockwood. STOP PRESS. This will now be an online zoom presentation. Please contact the Chairman for details of how to join this talk. See below for contact details Arthur Mawby. Tel: 01223 290474. Email: arthur.mawby@mypostoffice.co.uk