The coffee morning, planned for this Monday, 13th December, 10.30 at the Village Hall is still going ahead so please come along and enjoy a tea, coffee, mince pies and other Christmassy treats with your friends and neighbours. Please bring a book or magazine to swap and let us know if you’d like this to become a regular event .…
Christmas Hub News
Thanks for all your continued support, due to recent Covid developments we feel it is in everyone’s best interests to cancel Decembers Hub Night. As a festive thank you for your support we have donated this month to Crisis at Christmas. The last two months we have made donations to The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal 2021 and BBC Children…
Hub Night
It was fantastic to see you all on Saturday. Thank you to Chippy’s for some great food and Chestnut Tree, West Wratting for the Wherry, a Hub favorite. Special thanks to Michelle for all her help. Thanks for all your continued support, due to recent Covid developments we feel it is in everyone’s best interests to cancel Decembers Hub Night.…
Hub Night 27 November 2021
Hub Night Fish and Chip Night (27 November) Menu. Please order by 19th November, text, email or message Nicci 07527879135,, 01223 290886. As in previous years please pay on the night.
West Wickham & District Gardening Club talk – Monday 18 October
FLAMES & FEATHERS A talk on tulip appreciation and obsession. By Andrew Morris 7.30pm Village Hall The extensively illustrated talk will cover the history of how the tulip was brought from its homeland in central Asia to become the national symbol of the Ottoman Empire, before being exported to Western Europe in the 17th century. Here people went wild…
West Wickham & District Local History Club talk – Monday 11 October
We’re back! We will be starting our programme of talks in October and all are welcome. We are grateful to the Village Hall Committee for allowing us to use the whole Hall so there will be plenty of room to space out. The Covid protocols require much extra work, so we will not be serving our usual refreshments after the…
Fabulous 4th September Fun Day and Hub Bar
The Hub Night is back, kicking off with a bar at our Village Fun day. Saturday 4th September West Wickham Village Hall. Bar opens 3-11pm. Real Ale has been ordered, massive thanks to Chestnut Tree, West Wratting for their continued support. So excited to see everyone ! We are now also able to take card payments.
West Wickham & District Gardening Club
The Club’s next Zoom talk will be on Monday 19 April. John Summerfield from Westshores Nurseries in Lincolnshire will talk on ‘Plant to Pot, growing veg for fun and flavour’. If you wish to join us e-mail to and you will be invited in at 7:15 on the evening of the talk.
The Show Committee are planning for the 2021 Annual Show to take place on Saturday 21st August and we would like to encourage all members of the Club and residents to take part, by entering classes and by visiting the Show to enjoy the exhibits and partake of some tea and cake in the Village Hall in the afternoon. We…
Climate and environment fortnight 2021 events
Commencing on Monday 22 February, the South Cambridgeshire District Council will be marking Climate and environment fortnight 2021 with a series of webinars to help people think about how to live more sustainably, reduce carbon emissions and in turn help tackle climate change. All events are free, and anyone can join. See here for further details.