West Wickham and Streetly End

Neighbourhood Plan

Streetly Hall AD plant – planning committee consideration at 10am on 17 July 2024

Dear Sir/Madam, Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Proposal:Farm-based anaerobic digestion renewable energy facility, construction of vehicular access/road to A1307, associated infrastructure and landscaping.Application No: CCC/23/110/FULLocation: Land At Streetly Hall Farm, Webbs Road, West Wickham, CB21 4RP. I am writing to you to let you know that the above planning application will be considered by the County Council’s Planning Committee…

Hub Night / Village Hall Quiz

An exciting Hub night planned for 26th November. Kicking off with the Neighbourhood Plan Celebration 7-7.30pm and the Village Hall Quiz from 7.30pm. Hub Night Bar all night. All welcome. For the quiz, teams of 6, prize for the winning team! Entry for quiz is £5 per person and includes buffet food. Please let us know if you are coming…

Neighbourhood Plan adopted by South Cambridgeshire District Council

Today our Neighbourhood Plan was formally adopted by South Cambridgeshire District Council. This means its policies have full legal ‘weight’ when used to assess planning applications in the Parish up to 2031. It also designates the green in front of Maypole Croft and the recreation field and allotments as Local Green Spaces. This means they have a high degree of…

Referendum on the adoption of the West Wickham Neighbourhood Plan

Notice of Referendum Referendum on the adoption of the West Wickham Neighbourhood Plan 1. A referendum will be held on Thursday, 11 August 2022 to decide on the question below: ‘Do you want South Cambridgeshire District Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for West Wickham to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?’ 2. Applications to register to vote…

SCDC Consultation on the West Wickham Neighbourhood Plan

West Wickham Parish Council submitted its Neighbourhood Plan to South Cambridgeshire District Council on 3 December 2021. SCDC is seeking your views on the Neighbourhood Plan before it is considered by an examiner, and can proceed towards a referendum. Comments can be submitted to SCDC between 9am on Tuesday 18 January and 5pm on Tuesday 15 March 2022. There are…

West Wickham Neighbourhood Plan Consultation: just 1 week remaining.

Thank you to everyone who has already taken part in the Neighbourhood Plan consultation. If you haven’t responded yet, it isn’t too late but time is running out. The deadline for submissions is midnight on 30 June 2021.You can read all about the consultation and how to respond at:https://westwickham.org/plan_reg14 Make sure that your views on future development in the Parish…

West Wickham Neighbourhood Plan

It isn’t too late to take part in the consultation on the draft Neighbourhood Plan. At the end of May less than 5% of households have responded. It is important that residents’ voices are heard alongside statutory bodies, developers and landowners, so please tell us what you think before 30 June.You can get all the information at https://westwickham.org/plan_reg14 or contact…

Neighbourhood Plan Green Space Consultation Results

Thank you to everyone who responded to our Green Space consultation questionnaire, especially those who took the time to write comments to give additional context to their answers. The results are available in the attached report. The Neighbourhood Plan Working Group will attempt to represent the community’s views in the final plan. It is important that we have landowner support…